“A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones define it.”


We were not planning on becoming a horse sanctuary…

I had always hoped that some day I would rescue a horse and give them the life they deserve. That someday came much earlier than expected when I came across Abe’s face. Abe, originally tag #6561, was an emaciated old amish horse with only three shoes on. He was bound for slaughter that day, and with no interest from anyone else in him, I made the spontaneous decision to bail him. I had no idea how the process worked but jumped right on in to the deep end. I turned to my husband and said, “He will either be the only horse I ever save or the first of many horses I save”.

From the moment I met Abe a passion was ignited in me. He is the sweetest soul and just thinking about the life he had already lived and where his horrific end was going made me cringe.

We now have saved or helped in saving 10 horses. This is our passion and we will keep fighting for these horses for as long as we can.

All proceeds from this shop go directly to our rescues and future rescues.